
Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee and mayor, went to Longgang to study the Yuxiu garden project

On the afternoon of May 22nd, Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee and mayor of Longgang, went to the Yuxiu garden project. Changyi Binhai (lower) Economic Development Zone Party work committee member, deputy director of the CMC, Kui Ju street party work committee secretary Sun Lei, director of the office Liang Yongyan accompanied.

Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee and mayor, went to Longgang to study the Yuxiu garden project

Wang Jingwei, chairman of the board, gave detailed reports to mayor Li Yuxiang on the progress of the project, and Li city looked at the progress of the project, inquired about the difficulties and needs of the project, and put forward specific guidance.

Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee and mayor, went to Longgang to study the Yuxiu garden project

Li Yuxiang spoke highly of the progress of the project. He stressed that the area renovation project is a Huimin project implemented by the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, which is concerned with the people's livelihood and complying with the public opinion. In order to improve the living conditions of the masses and enhance the city's taste, the departments concerned and the project builders should always stand firm and stand up for the people, strengthen the implementation of the measures, speed up the progress of the projects, ensure the successful completion of the goal and task of the shanty towns transformation, and create high-end residential areas for better quality, so as to better respond to the masses' yearning for a better life.

Next, the Longgang group will thoroughly implement the deployment requirements of the municipal Party committee and municipal government, further enhance the sense of urgency and sense of responsibility for the implementation of the work, intensify efforts, speed up the progress, and ensure the smooth progress of the show garden project.

Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee and mayor, went to Longgang to study the Yuxiu garden project

Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee and mayor, went to Longgang to study the Yuxiu garden project

Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee and mayor, went to Longgang to study the Yuxiu garden project

Li Yuxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee and mayor, went to Longgang to study the Yuxiu garden project